First Aid WorldWide Manual


Visual design, presentation and imitation of the condition of the injured is the most obvious method in the function of first aid training. In this way, we gain the right and lasting knowledge of getting used to adequately reacting in real life accidents without fear and panic, and so as not to endanger ourselves and already endangered people.
In order to get a realistic impression of the presentation of an injury or condition, the following conditions should be taken into account:
1. SITUATION- It is necessary to present the situation in which the accident occurred, the mechanism of occurrence, the place where the accident occurred and where the simulants will act out the accident.
2. SIMULANT BEHAVIOR- The simulant should be provided to act as a person who is genuinely injured.
3. ART PRESENTATION OF INJURIES- In order for a wound made with the help of make-up to look real, it must correspond to all anatomical and physiological conditions.
Many human lives have been lost, many invalids and other complications have occurred due to ignorance, panic and fear, if people who seek first aid do not do it properly.