First Aid WorldWide Manual



Elevated outdoor temperature combined with a high percentage of humidity can cause heatstroke. This condition is life-threatening, and occurs due to increased production and / or reduced release of body heat. It usually occurs in infants and young children due to the poor development of their thermoregulatory centers. Increased humidity during the summer heat and inadequate overheating of the body with clothes and blankets contribute to the appearance of heatstroke. It often occurs in overheated competition halls, on excursions, etc. It also occurs in situations when a person is exposed to heavy physical work in a warm and humid environment (with athletes, soldiers, and manual workers). Symptoms and signs of heatstroke include: high body temperature that can rise to 41 ° C within 10 to 15 minutes, rapid pulse, tachycardia, rapid shallow breathing, thirst, severe stabbing headache, dizziness, irregular breathing rhythm, buzzing in ears, weakness and loss of consciousness. Sweating stops and the skin becomes dry and hot.

First Aid

If the injured person is conscious, the set of measures and steps in repairing heat stroke begins by moving the injured person to a shade, or a cold and ventilated room, and placing him in a supine position with a high headboard. Body temperature is lowered by removing excess clothing and cooling with cold water (but not colder than 18 ° C), putting cold compresses on the back of the head and head, wrapping the groin, neck, back and armpits with a damp sheet. Cooling should be continued until the body temperature drops to 37.5 ° C. Also, the injured person should be given tea, fruit juices and salted water (one teaspoon of salt per 11 waters) in order to compensate for the lost fluid, ie sweating and maintaining a normal body temperature.

If the injured person is unconscious, he should be turned to a lateral relaxing position, his breathing should be checked, his airways should be opened and resuscitation should be started. In addition, it is necessary to constantly measure the body temperature, and in accordance with the height of the temperature, cool the victim.